Tuesday, July 12th 2016

Roger Andersen
Posted at 7 years ago

How to Get Facebook Access Token

STEP 1 - create the redirect_uri page

First, create a simple php script in your local web server, which has the Canvas URL (redirect_uri) you set creating your Facebook App in STEP 3. I set this URL to http://localhost/fb-tokens/. My local web serverDocumentRoot is /srv/http, so:

mkdir /srv/http/fb-tokens
nano /srv/http/fb-tokens/index.php

Put the following code.


This code will just print the php $_GET array, in other words what Facebook will pass to you from query string.

STEP 2 - authorize your app (give permissions)

On your browser, give the following url, where client_id is App ID and redirect_uri is the URL defined as Canvas URL


The part &scope=manage_pages,publish_stream of this URL defines thw permissions you will assign to your app.

Read about Facebook permissions:

  • an introduction here.
  • about Facebook publish_stream permission here.
  • about Facebook manage_pages permission here.

click OK

authorize your app to post to your friends on your behalf

click OK

authorize your app to manage your Pages

Get the code value

You will get somenthing like this

[code] =>

After getting the code value, give the following url, where client_id is App ID and redirect_uri is the URL defined as Canvas URL, client_secret is App Secret and code is the code got.


You will get the Access Token (!)
