Mini toaster oven

Saturday, May 15th 2021 (2 years ago)

Roger Andersen
Posted at 2 years ago

This is a low-cost and very small toaster that works well in a truck, but you need an inverter. It's only 550W so you don't need a huge inverter for it. It comes in 4 different colors which is red, aqua, yellow and pink. At Amazon its picture with a little tray inside which was not included when I received this toaster.

It has only one setting which is on and off, no way to adjust the temperature. This is making it a little hard to cook your food right. Very easy to burn it. All the heat is coming from the bottom. It also gets very hot on the outsides so be careful touching it after use until its cooled.  As mentioned the size is small and that has its pros and cons. You will only be able to cook one toast at a time.

You can find the toaster here





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